Welcome to Our Fleet Host Program! We're here to help you grow your business. Our program offers a variety of cars available on a weekly basis, allowing you to expand your fleet quickly and easily!

  • Program Benefits

    - No Social Security Required

    - Simplified Approval

    - Credit Score Unaffected

    - Flexibility in Fleet Expansion

    - No Membership Fee

    - No Car Depreciation

  • Step 1: Sign Up

    Ready to expand your fleet? To get started, fill out the sign-up form located at the bottom of this page. As a registered member, you'll enjoy exclusive benefits and access to our car selection.

  • Step 2: Screening Process

    Upon sign-up, your application will go through our screening process. We want to ensure that you're a good fit for our program. Please be prepared to provide specific information to assist in the evaluation.

  • Step 3: Car Selection and Pickup

    Once your application is approved, you can begin selecting the cars that best fit your fleet expansion plans. You'll have the opportunity to pick up the selected cars and take pictures to record their current condition.

  • Step 4: Monthly Payments

    Your monthly payments are designed to be hassle-free. They will be automatically deducted, ensuring a smooth payment process throughout the entire hosting duration. We also offer flexible payment options to suit your financial needs.

  • Step 5: Car Return

    When the hosting period comes to an end, returning the cars is a straightforward process. You simply return them to the same location from which you initially picked them up.

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Vehicle list