Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do I have to transfer ownership of my car when it connects with a Fleet Host?

No, you are still the sole owner of the car. Everything remains under your name and ownership.

  1. Who is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the car when it is connected to a Fleet Host?

The Fleet Host will be responsible for all maintenance and upkeep while it’s in

their possession. 

  1. What happens to my car after I connect with a Fleet Host?

Our team will initiate a contract for final signatures, and coordinate a convenient time for a Fleet Host to pick up

your car. 

  1. Do I still need insurance after my car is connected to a fleet host and not in my possession?

No, you can cancel your insurance after your car has been picked up by a fleet host and save some additional


  1. What changes when my car connects with a Fleet Host?

The only change is that the Fleet Host will be in possession of your car and will make payments to you. Ownership, registration, and monthly payments to the lender remain in your name and your responsibility.

  1. What happens if my car is damaged while it is connected to a Fleet Host?

The Fleet Host will be responsible for fixing all damages that were incurred while the car was in their possession. All Fleet Hosts are required to add commercial insurance to any vehicles under their possession.


  1. Can I disconnect my car from the Fleet Host at any time?

No, depending on which subscription package you are enrolled in you will have the flexibility to determine the duration of the hosting period. However, once connected you will be unable to disconnect your car during the already agreed on hosting period.


  1. Will the Fleet Host have access to my personal information or data from my car?

The Fleet Host will not have access to your personal information or data from your car beyond what is necessary for contract initiation and vehicle pickup.

  1. Are there any fees or charges associated with connecting my car to a Fleet Host?

Depending on which subscription package you are enrolled in you may have to pay a match fee, please reference our pricing page for more information. 

  1. Are monthly payments from the Fleet Host guaranteed?

Yes, once connected with a host your monthly car payment amount will be guaranteed for the entire agreed hosting duration.